Denis Shaughnessy

Dear Denis:

You've been on my mind...

I met you on Twitter in 2019, and one of our first exchanges was about P.G. Wodehouse. I immediately noticed a mixture of intelligence and sarcasm in your tweets and got your book, The Awful Truth about the Sushing Prize. To be honest, it was the line When Idiots Fight Crime on the cover that got my attention, because of my personal experience in real life with such crime fighters. After reading your book, I realized I'd found a remarkable mind and didn't want to let go.

Two years later, I'm still reading and re-reading your brilliantly written books and I still look forward to your tweets and to interacting with you... but I'm also extremely grateful for you. Thank you for introducing me to ocramism, for coaching me, and, above all, for being my friend. Even though you live on another continent and we've never met in person, you checked on me regularly while I had trouble breathing in 2020 and kept me company with your kind messages while I was snowed in and living in freezing temperatures in February 2021. Thank you for the Noosha Winfrey show in your book; I'm simply honored. 

I'm grateful to have you in my life.

Much love...

Noosha Ravaghi


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