
Showing posts from December, 2022

Thank You, 2022!

Dear 2022: You’ve been on my mind… You came into my life with a storm and flooded my cabin. I spent hours and hours drying the floor so that the water wouldn’t turn into ice because of freezing temperatures, so our initial encounter was somewhat unpleasant, but this made me install a floor drain in my at-the-time-roofless sunroom. Thanks for the insight. You allowed me to publish Reflections: A Journey of Transformation , a book that was difficult for me to write. I didn’t like my first draft, so I rewrote it, all of it, in two weeks and spent another four editing it. Thank you for letting the words flow. You gave me the opportunity to visit Indiana and teach four classes at a prestigious university. I got to work with wonderful students. This allowed me to make published authors out of my writing students and gave me the material for another memoir, Indiana Joes , the second book I published during our time together. Thank you. You gave me enough sunny days to work on my sunroom, and

Kerry Miles

Dear Kerry: You've been on my mind... I've known you for over a decade now, as a neighbor, a book buddy, a karate instructor, and a friend. Even though we have had ups and downs in both our lives and we have been geographically apart for a long while, we have somehow managed to remain friends.  When I recently reached out to you to help support a life in danger, you immediately contacted everyone you could think of that could help us. Thank you for being you. I appreciate your efforts and feel grateful to have you in my life.  Love... Noosha Ravaghi

Shervin Hajipour

Dear Shervin: You've been on my mind... For nearly three months, I've been either playing your lovely song "Baraye" or singing it — nonstop. You're a wonderfully talented artist. Thank you for collecting people's tweets and making this song. Thank you for being people’s voice and expressing it so beautifully. I know that you went through hell for singing what became the people’s anthem, and I’m sorry that you suffered. Please know that Iran is proud of you and so very grateful. Love & Gratitude… Noosha Ravaghi