
Showing posts from June, 2022

Edward Selender

  Dear Edward: You've been on my mind... We met on Twitter a while ago, but we didn't interact much until recently.  Thank you for being a good friend. I appreciate your kindness and your support. I'm grateful you took the time to read my book and to write a review.  Gratefully... Noosha Ravaghi

Dear Gratitude...

Dear Gratitude: You've been on my mind... I think of you often.  I think of you every time I look at my dogs. I think of you every time I enjoy a good meal. I think of you every time I breathe fresh air. I think of you every time I interact with my friends. But also... I think of you when something goes wrong because that reminds me of all the times things have gone right. I think of you when I feel pain because that reminds of me of all the times I don't feel pain. I think of you when I have difficulty because I realize how much harder things could have been and how fortunate I have been. You allow me to be present and appreciate my now. Thank you for that. Yours... Noosha Ravaghi

Rava's Readers

Dear Readers: You've been on my mind... You've spent your valuable time reading my books Languages & Life Lessons and Reflections: A Journey of Transformation . I appreciate you! Many of you have even taken more time out of your busy schedules to express your thoughts in the form of a review. I am so grateful for you. Because of you, my Reflections is still a #1 New Release after two weeks.  Thank you so very much! Love & Gratitude... Noosha Ravaghi

Larry Archer

Dear Larry: You've been on my mind... We met in 2018 after I moved to my cabin in the woods. You had come to visit your friend, one of my neighbors. You played guitar and sang, and I had the pleasure of enjoying live music. Thank you for the wonderful entertainment! Three years later, while visiting your friend, you found out I had written Languages & Life Lessons . You immediately bought it, read it, and sent me a message complimenting me on my book. Thank you for the encouragement! I appreciate your musical talent, your love for reading, and your kindness. Thank you. I hope one day I can come and see you in one of the restaurants where you perform. Gratefully, Noosha Ravaghi

Noosha's Students

Dear Students: You've been on my mind... I have been teaching English – as a second language and/or as a foreign language – since 1987, in several countries, in various settings, in different capacities, to students from so many countries – possibly every country in the world. None of it would have been possible without you. Without you, I wouldn't have been a tutor, an instructor, a professor. Without you, I wouldn't have learned from my mistakes. Without you, I wouldn't have become who I am today. I am grateful for every single one of you. I appreciate everything you've taught me. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to teach you. Gratefully... Noosha Ravaghi