
Showing posts from October, 2023


I'm grateful for the magnificent star we call the sun!  May I add a touch of cosmic elegance to it by calling it "Sol"? I'm grateful for Sol, and so are the dogs. Temperatures will drop here on Saturday... And winter will creep in. I'm enjoying the current weather. The dogs spend their days sunbathing on the freshly cut grass while I do my outside chores.


I'm grateful - for being hyper resilient  against naysayers and people with insecurities who try to pull others down to their level - for having confidence  to pursue what I believe in despite all the negativity - for being able to make decisions that serve the greater good - for being able to see  through people... their intentions... their agendas and last but not least - for all the people who appeared in my life to teach me these lessons the learning might have felt painful, but the lessons have made me the strong, confident, kind person I am today.

Dearest Pollyanna

Following the letters written to fictional characters in the anthology Dearest Devised Darling , the fabulous anthology that was released just days ago, I'd like to write a letter to Pollyanna, the main character in the novel titled Pollyanna  written   by Eleanor H. Porter. Dearest Pollyanna, I learned about you only months ago while I was editing a book... I'm glad. I read your story... I'm glad. I learned that your name has become a word in the English language, one which Merriam-Webster defines as "a person characterized by irrepressible optimism and a tendency to find good in everything." I like the adjective that describes your kind of optimism... I'm glad. I used you as a model today when so many bad incidents happened, one after the other, and I managed to handle each with a positive attitude... I'm glad. Dearest Pollyanna, for all the good and all the bad... I'm glad. Gladly, Gratitude Girl

I'm Grateful...

Today I'm grateful... for having had another birthday for being relatively healthy for my two dogs for the food I eat for my cabin for the sun for the clean air I breathe for those who support me for people showing me who they are for choosing peace, which comes with goodbyes and for today's rain.